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Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (Official Audio)

Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (Official Audio)

Official Audio for "On The Road Again” by Willie Nelson Willie Nelson plays a vital role in post-rock & roll country music. Texas-born Nelson is an icon of the ’70s outlaw-country movement, favoring a stripped-down style that could both evoke desert-highway vistas (“On the Road Again”) and initiate the most intimate of conversations (“Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”). He has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the genre, whether that was Merle Haggard or Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash & Kris Kristofferson in The Highwaymen and written some of Country Music’s most popular songs including ‘Crazy’ made famous by Patsy Cline. In the 21st century, Nelson’s outlaw ethos has continued to manifest itself in all sorts of surprising ways: He’s become America’s most visible pro-marijuana activist and Snoop Dogg’s unlikeliest duet partner. Listen to Willie Nelson: Watch more videos by Willie Nelson: Subscribe to the official Willie Nelson YouTube channel: Follow Willie Nelson Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Spotify: YouTube: Ask your voice device to play Willie Nelson! #WillieNelson #OnTheRoadAgain #OfficialAudio #ForrestGump #Soundtrack #Country Lyrics: On the road again Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway We're the best of friends Insisting that the world keep turning our way And our way
Dan Fogelberg - Leader of the band "with lyrics"
Carolina In My Mind by James Taylor - Lyrics Video (Dedicated to Trainlover844 Productions Extras)

Carolina In My Mind by James Taylor - Lyrics Video (Dedicated to Trainlover844 Productions Extras)

Updated 3/28/19: I've disabled comments on this video, because, hey: I can't please all the people all the time. Here's a special video that I made for my Digital Video class at my High School. This was a song that my good friend, Trainlover844 Productions Extras, showed me over the summer. The song is called "Carolina In My Mind". It's a beautiful song, and was performed by James Taylor, who also performed the song "Our Town" from the movie "Cars". I feel that "Our Town" is a little depressing in my opinion. This song is a lot less depressing, and makes me think of a LOT of happy times throughout my life, as well as my family trip in July of this year. Thanks for being such an awesome friend, Fletcher! I really enjoyed the time we had together when I saw you in person in July. That is a day that I will cherish for time to come. This video is for you, dude! You deserve it. And, to all my viewers, enjoy the video! DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANY MUSIC, SOUNDS, GRAPHICS, CHARACTERS, SOFTWARES OR ANY OTHER NEED FOR SPEED, DISNEY CARS, OR THOMAS AND FRIENDS PRODUCT! I ALSO DON'T OWN BANDICAM. BANDICAM BELONGS TO BANDICAM INC. I DON'T OWN SKYPE! SKYPE BELONGS TO SKYPE TECHNOLOGIES! I ALSO DON'T OWN ADOBE PREMIERE ELEMENTS NOR SONY VEGAS! ADOBE PREMIERE ELEMENTS BELONGS TO ADOBE SOFTWARE! SONY VEGAS BELONGS TO SONY PICTURES! TRAINZ BELONGS TO N3V GAMES AND AURAN! TRAINZ CONTENT BELONGS TO MSTNOODLE, UKBL, MAGANDY, CMBURGESS, SI3D, KRHY3D, WNW, THE SUDRIAN COMMUNITY, AND OTHER GREAT MODEL MAKERS! U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
Shenandoah - Peter Hollens (A Cappella)

Shenandoah - Peter Hollens (A Cappella)

Shenandoah - Peter Hollens (A Cappella) Support my art on Patreon: Stream or Buy This Anywhere: Get the sheet music for "Shenandoah" here: Free song from me: Click Here To Subscribe! ► Spotify: iTunes: Album iTunes - Album Amazon Mp3 - Album Amazon CD - Click here to pick up Shenandoah: - Track 10. My first Cover Albums vol. 1 and vol. 2 are available on iTunes! - All sounds are made by the human voice. Cinematography by Jimmy Bates from Fifgen. If you need video done hit them up! Hope you enjoy! OFFICIAL PETER HOLLENS LINKS iTunes Link: Main Website: Vlog Channel: Twitter: Facebook: iPhone/iPad app: Tumblr: Amazing Arrangement by Tom Anderson ( ) Editing & Concept: Danny Ozment - End Template brought to you by: Aaron Lagrone - - @aaronlagrone iTunes Proceeds from this song will be donated to the following organizations associated with cerebral palsy research and support: Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation United Cerebral Palsy Foundation Help us caption & translate this video! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- My Best Video: "How Great Thou Art - Peter Hollens feat. The All-American Boys Chorus" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-
Hope - Time To Say Goodbye (Acoustic Cover)

Hope - Time To Say Goodbye (Acoustic Cover)

● Follow K-Music ● on Facebook: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Lyrics: When I am alone I sit and dream And when I dream the words are missing Yes I know that in a room so full of light That all the light is missing But I don't see you with me, with me Close up the windows, bring the sun to my room Through the door you've opened Close inside of me the light you see that you met in the darkness Time to say goodbye Horizons are never far Would I have to find them alone without true light of my own with you I will go on ships over seas that I now know No, they don't exist anymore It's time to say goodbye When you were so far away I sit alone and dream of the horizon Then I know that you are here with me, with me Building bridges over land and sea Shine a blinding light for you and me To see, for us to be Time to say goodbye Horizons are never far Would I have to find them alone without true light of my own with you I will go on ships over seas that I now know No, they don't exist anymore It's time to say goodbye ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Hope: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● All music on K Music channel used for promotional reasons only. If any artist, producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact with me and I will delete it. (
Ligabue - Luci d'America (Official Video)

Ligabue - Luci d'America (Official Video)

Ligabue - Luci d'America (Official Video) Ascolta e scarica il brano: "Luci d'America" è il nuovo singolo di Ligabue, che anticipa l'uscita del suo dodicesimo album di inediti. Segui Ligabue su: Spotify: iTunes: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Sito : Fanclub ufficiale: Il video, scritto e diretto da Marco Salom, è stato girato in California. Il deserto lunare di Pinnacles, l’area disperata e malfamata di Skid Raw, le luci scintillanti di Hollywood, la ghost town di Trona, l’oceano di Malibu, una suggestiva foresta bruciata: sono solo alcune delle locations attraverso le quali si sviluppa il racconto. Come America e Africa, citate nel testo del brano, sono due luoghi concettualmente agli antipodi, il video mostra due diversi modi di posare lo sguardo sulle cose. Una visione ora reale ora filtrata degli interpreti evidenzia contraddizioni e differenze che caratterizzano l’essere umano, l’amore, la natura e nello specifico l'America. Ligabue e i protagonisti del video si proiettano in una California ora bellissima e luccicante, ora desolata e infinita, lasciando in sospeso tra ciò che è reale e ciò che viene percepito. Nel cast anche l’artista australiana Maya McClean, ballerina che dal 2006, con la sorella gemella, ha affiancato e coreografato le performance di Prince. TESTO vieni qui e guarda fuori fammi un po’ vedere come tu la vedi io vedo fumo sulle macerie tu guardi nello stesso punto e sorridi dai che allora andiamo al mare la penisola intanto riesce a galleggiare facciamo che guido e tu guardi fuori perché a guardare resti tu la migliore serve pane e fortuna serve vino e coraggio soprattutto ci vogliono buoni compagni di viaggio le luci d’america le stelle sull’africa si accende lo spettacolo le luci che ti scappano dall’anima vieni qui, andiamo fuori fuori da uno schermo, dalle mie prigioni c’è ancora il sole che fa il suo lavoro sui santi subito e sui tagliagole prestami i tuoi occhi ancora che io guardo il dito mentre tu la luna e fatti vicina un po’ più vicina che adesso voglio un altro panorama serve pane e fortuna serve vino e coraggio soprattutto ci vogliono buoni compagni di viaggio le luci d’america le stelle sull’africa si accende lo spettacolo le luci che ti scappano dall’anima la luce dell’africa le stelle d’america e fra distruzione e meraviglia e tu che mi aspetti sulla soglia di certi miracoli uno può accorgersi solo da sveglio le luci d’america le stelle sull’africa si accende lo spettacolo le luci che ti scappano dall’anima la luce dell’africa le stelle d’america Credits: Written And Directed By Marco Salom Director Of Photography: Andrew Russo Editor: Matteo Cataldo Colorist: Claudio Beltrami Vfx: Edi Effetti Digitali Italiani, Rosario Barbera, Alessandra Spadaro, Stefano Leoni, Francesco Grisi Wardrobe: Chiara Coxy Rodoni Makeup Dept Head: Desiree Falcon Makeup Assistant: Latoya Deshaun CAST: Maya Mcclean Leota Rhodes Natalia Berger Luka Tartaglia Dre Davis Jackson Tiller Myla Russo Emery Russo
Ligabue-Il peso della valigia.
Hiking Songs: "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking"  Best Hiking Song Lyrics Hiking Music

Hiking Songs: "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" Best Hiking Song Lyrics Hiking Music

Hiking Songs: I'm Happy When I'm Hiking, music arrangement by Patricio da Silva, 1930s Music Best Hiking Song Lyrics Hiking Musi Hiking Songs Best Hiking Music Best Hiking Song Great Hiking Music I'm Happy When I'm Hiking Great Hiking Songs Good Hiking Music Short Song for Kids Repeat Songs for Kids Camp Songs for Kids Songs for Hiking Videos Song for Camp Kids Songs for Kids Hiking Songs for Preschoolers Hiking Songs for Girl Scouts #Scout Hiking Cub Scout Songs Cub Scouts Songs with English Lyrics Best #Hiking Music #Songs #ScoutsSongs #Scout Song #Hiking #Music on Youtube Itunes & Amazon best songs for hiking video #classicalmusic Composer Patricio da Silva wrote the arrangement for this music for hiking and is joined by Ian Whitcomb (ukulele and vocal), rock star of the British Invasion during the 1960's who sings "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" accompanied by the What's Next? Ensemble, directed by Vimbayi Kaziboni. The #hiking #song "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" was released in 2011 as part of the album "Now & Then" featuring both "music of the great depression" of 1929 and 2010. It is a gem of a hiking song that has entertained generations of boy scouts as camp songs for kids or music to exercise to, songs for hiking. I'm Happy When I'm Hiking mp3 download on Itunes and Amazon. Add Hiking Song to your favorite #hiking #music playlist. Ian Whitcomb, writes "(...) Fifteen years earlier, when America joined the war in Europe, the Alleymen had buckled down to patriotic duty providing go-get-'em marching songs like "We Don't Want The Bacon — What We Want Is A Piece Of The Rhine", treating a distant conflict like an out-of-town vaudeville show. But now, in the eerie quietness of these early hard times for urbanites, the message was milder. The suggestion was "Let's Have Another Cup Of Coffee" or "Let's Put Out The Lights and Go To Sleep," rather than a goose-step to an apocalyptic rendezvous with destiny, as they would be doing in Germany. (...) (...) Actually, in nearby England the native songwriters were recommending a brisk walk — "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" — in long shorts (or short longs) as an antidote to an unfortunate turn of events in the stock market, not to be confused with the ongoing rotten state of things ever since the Great War had shaken the Empire and let upstart Americans strut about, flooding the isles with their jizzy-jazz and slang. In London's own Tin Pan Alley my songwriting uncle and his colleagues were censuring the limited range of Yank song subjects as "indoor poodle-faking" involving the "lugubrious lamentations of a disappointed lover.(...)" Now & Then: Music from the Great Depression (s) I'm Happy When I'm #Hiking Original Music & Words by Ralph Buttler & Raymond Wallace Arrangement by composer Patricio da Silva. "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" - Lyrics I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back. I'm happy when I'm hiking, on(off) the beaten track. Out in the open country, that's the place for me, With a true Scout friend, to the journey's end, Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day. Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp... I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back. I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track. Out in the open country, that's the place for me With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end, Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day. Tramp, tramp, tramp ... I'm Happy When I'm Hiking Scout Songs Version Lyrics for Boy Scout Songs & Lyrics for Girl Scout Songs Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp,tramp. I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back. I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track. Out in the open country, that's the place for me With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end, Ten, twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty miles a day. Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp,tramp. I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back. I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track. Out in the open country, that's the place for me With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end, Ten, twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty miles a day. Tramp, tramp, tramp ...
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