Hiking Songs: "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" Best Hiking Song Lyrics Hiking Music
Hiking Songs: I'm Happy When I'm Hiking, music arrangement by Patricio da Silva, 1930s Music Best Hiking Song Lyrics Hiking Musi Hiking Songs Best Hiking Music Best Hiking Song Great Hiking Music I'm Happy When I'm Hiking Great Hiking Songs Good Hiking Music Short Song for Kids Repeat Songs for Kids Camp Songs for Kids Songs for Hiking Videos Song for Camp Kids Songs for Kids Hiking Songs for Preschoolers Hiking Songs for Girl Scouts #Scout Hiking Cub Scout Songs Cub Scouts Songs with English Lyrics Best #Hiking Music #Songs #ScoutsSongs #Scout Song #Hiking #Music on Youtube Itunes & Amazon best songs for hiking video
#classicalmusic Composer Patricio da Silva wrote the arrangement for this music for hiking and is joined by Ian Whitcomb (ukulele and vocal), rock star of the British Invasion during the 1960's who sings "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" accompanied by the What's Next? Ensemble, directed by Vimbayi Kaziboni.
The #hiking #song "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" was released in 2011 as part of the album "Now & Then" featuring both "music of the great depression" of 1929 and 2010. It is a gem of a hiking song that has entertained generations of boy scouts as camp songs for kids or music to exercise to, songs for hiking. I'm Happy When I'm Hiking mp3 download on Itunes and Amazon. Add Hiking Song to your favorite #hiking #music playlist.
Ian Whitcomb, writes "(...) Fifteen years earlier, when America joined the war in Europe, the Alleymen had buckled down to patriotic duty providing go-get-'em marching songs like "We Don't Want The Bacon — What We Want Is A Piece Of The Rhine", treating a distant conflict like an out-of-town vaudeville show. But now, in the eerie quietness of these early hard times for urbanites, the message was milder. The suggestion was "Let's Have Another Cup Of Coffee" or "Let's Put Out The Lights and Go To Sleep," rather than a goose-step to an apocalyptic rendezvous with destiny, as they would be doing in Germany. (...) (...) Actually, in nearby England the native songwriters were recommending a brisk walk — "I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" — in long shorts (or short longs) as an antidote to an unfortunate turn of events in the stock market, not to be confused with the ongoing rotten state of things ever since the Great War had shaken the Empire and let upstart Americans strut about, flooding the isles with their jizzy-jazz and slang. In London's own Tin Pan Alley my songwriting uncle and his colleagues were censuring the limited range of Yank song subjects as "indoor poodle-faking" involving the "lugubrious lamentations of a disappointed lover.(...)"
Now & Then: Music from the Great Depression (s)
I'm Happy When I'm #Hiking
Original Music & Words by Ralph Buttler & Raymond Wallace
Arrangement by composer Patricio da Silva.
"I'm Happy When I'm Hiking" - Lyrics
I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, on(off) the beaten track.
Out in the open country, that's the place for me,
With a true Scout friend, to the journey's end,
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp...
I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track.
Out in the open country, that's the place for me
With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end,
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day.
Tramp, tramp, tramp ...
I'm Happy When I'm Hiking
Scout Songs Version
Lyrics for Boy Scout Songs
& Lyrics for Girl Scout Songs
Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp,tramp.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track.
Out in the open country, that's the place for me
With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end,
Ten, twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty miles a day.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp,tramp.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back.
I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track.
Out in the open country, that's the place for me
With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end,
Ten, twenty, thirty, fourty, fifty miles a day.
Tramp, tramp, tramp ...